- 工作经验:
- 1年以上
- 最低学历:
- 不限
- 招聘人数:
- 10
- 参考月薪:
- 面议
- 性别要求:
- 不限
- 年龄要求:
- 不限
- 工作地点:
- 上海-长宁区
- 发布日期:
- 2013/2/26
1. 商场、写字楼或酒店式公寓的站岗、巡逻工作, 处理各种突发事件。
2. 上级交办的其他工作。 
1. 高中以上学历,英语或日语能交流优先。。
2. 1年以上保安经验。
3. 身体健康,品貌端正,工作细心,责任心强,吃苦耐劳,富于团队合作精神和服务意识,善于沟通交流。
上海港汇房地产开发有限公司是由香港恒隆集团主要投资与管理的外资公司。港汇公司立足商业地产开发的前沿,致力于开发并管理综合性用途的物业项目,追求物业高质素和服务国际化的统一,将物业发展和服务提升作为公司营运的核心,通过向客户提供国际水准的服务,持续为股东创造丰厚价值。港汇公司开发并管理港汇广场购物中心、港汇中心写字楼及港汇广场酒店式公寓三个高档商业物业项目。其中:港汇广场购物中心是中国大陆规模最大的购物中心之一,总面积达14万平米,其影响力在中国大陆已雄居商业项目前列,经营效益引人注目,是众多国际国内著名商业品牌云集之地;港汇中心属独特的双塔造型建筑,总面积超过16万平方米,硬件设施居国际领先水平,提供国际化的服务,吸引了诸多国际及国内之知名公司入驻,现已成为上海市的地标性建筑之一;港汇广场酒店式公寓属高档涉外商务公寓,共635套高级商务套间,内外装潢及设施均具国际一流水平,深受客户青睐。港汇公司坚持正确的经营理念,着力不断提高专业服务水平,商业收益连年保持显著增长。在社会上亦树立了卓越的形象,同时,积极参与社会慈善活动,建立了“港汇慈善基金”,捐助弱势人群,受到了社会的良好赞誉。港汇公司将以积极进取之态度,顺应国际商业物业的发展趋势,不断改善物业及服务质素,创造更加优异的经营绩效,回馈客户及股东。www.grandgateway.com现因公司业务发展需要,需诚聘专业之人才。公司提供良好的薪酬和完善的福利待遇。凡有意应聘者,请于见本招聘广告后两周内,请通过以下方式联系我们:1.直接发送您的简历;2.发送简历至:chz@grandgateway.com3.邮寄本人简历、学历复印件、相关证书复印件、身份证复印件、1寸证件照一张寄至本公司。请在信封上注明应聘职位。Shanghai Kong Hui Property Development Co., Ltd. (know as Grand Gateway Plaza) is principally owned and managed by Hang Lung Group Limited.Grand Gateway Plaza stands at the forefront of commercial property development. Grand Gateway Plaza develops and manages multi-function property projects by combining high quality properties with international service. Our core business lies in developing properties and upgrading service. Providing world class service to our customers earns high dividend returns for our shareholders.Grand Gateway Plaza has developed and is now managing three top grade commercial properties: the Grand Gateway Office Towers, Grand Gateway Service Apartments, and Grand Gateway shopping mall -- one of the largest shopping centers in mainland China and one of China's top commercial projects.Many brand - name retailers have concentrated in Grand Gateway Plaza because of its outstanding management. Grand Gateway Office Towers' unique double tower (a Shanghai landmark), with its advanced facilities and international services, has been sought out by many leading corporations. Grand Gateway Serviced Apartments, as a top - grade residential complex, is favored by expatriates for its tasteful decor, luxurious facilities and considerate services.Grand Gateway Plaza's practice of preeminent management of high quality facilities has produced outstanding returns for the company. We also support the local community with cash contributions to charitable organizations.The leading trend of international commercial properties, Grand Gateway Plaza continually promotes property management and service quality, in keeping with its bold strategy of creating more prominence to give shareholders and customers greater returns.