公 司 简 介环洋经典公司成立于1996年,是中国最早专业从事商业展具设计与制作、商业环境设计与施工公司之一。目前在生产规模、客户数量、专业设备及研发方面占据同行业领先地位。同时,业务领域涵盖办公和综合商用项目,如展厅等设计和施工空间。环洋经典持有装饰设计国家甲级资质以及建筑装饰施工壹级资质,代表了在商业室内设计和施工领域的专业能力。环洋经典总部设在北京,上海设有分公司。目前,在北京、上海、成都建有共计约70000多平米的制作工厂,具有木、铁、不锈钢、玻璃、压克力、人造石等自有制作和加工能力,以确保商业室内各类常用材料的高品质工艺制作。同时,为提高和保证所合作品牌的快速售后服务,在10个城市建立了负责项目售后服务的维修站点。带给客户全新价值的商业空间是我们的事业追求,环洋经典将不断努力! “环洋经典”在商业关联领域服务主要涉及三个方面:一方面服务于“品牌”:包括专卖店和店中店形象,也包括一些关联的市场推广活动服务在这一领域,环洋经典所服务的品牌95%为国际知名消费品牌,包括手表、化妆品、珠宝、服装等。服务范围一般均涵盖全国相当大区域或全国订单,也已有部分品牌承接亚太区域的项目服务和全球家具制作出口等。另一方面业务是:进行商场、购物中心、机场商业设计和施工。包括商场规划、统一展柜设计及制作、室内环境施工等。在此领域环洋经典建立了与国内很多大型商业集团长期合作,同时,也与国际知名商业设计公司合作,提供商场和购物中心从规划到交钥匙一条龙服务。在展厅等各类综合商用空间设计与施工方面:近年来不断地推进与发展。环洋经典承接了包括08年北京奥运会NBC(美国广播公司)演播厅、强生展馆、奥运村特许商店等许多项目,提升和证明了专业服务能力。持续不断地提高,致力于国际化是环洋经典的发展宗旨。Company ProfileFounded in 1996, Haya retail is one of the earliest companies who focused on retail fixture design and manufacture, retail environment design and construction. After years of development, Haya retail has already become a leading company in this arena in terms of scale, client quantity and level, machinery and R&D. Also it has extended business coverage to office interiors and mix-used commercial projects such as design and construction for exhibition halls.Haya retail’s top level interior design qualification and 1st class interior project construction qualification certifies Haya’s professional capability in retail interior design and execution work.Currently, Haya retail is headquartered in Beijing and has a branch office in Shanghai. Three factories with totally 70000 sqm of workshop area are located respectively in Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu, which are all capable of processing and fabrication of wood, iron, stainless steel, glass, acrylic, corian,etc. at high quality level to meet the needs of various material demand in retail interior project. Also, to ensure swift after sales service, a network has been established nationwide with service points at 10 cities. Haya retail’s business scope can be divided into 3 categories:One is about “branding” including boutiques and shop in shops of brands as well as some related promotion activities. In this arena, 95% of Haya’s clients are well-known international brands with coverage of watch, cosmetics, jewelry, and other fashions. And the service area is normally nationwide or at least big percentage of national market. For some brands, Haya even has extended service to Asia-pacific area and international market (furniture export).Another business scope is design and construction of department store, shopping center, airport retail interiors which covers retail planning, uniformed fixture design and fabrication, fitting out work. In this scope, Haya has established long run relationship with many big department store groups in domestic market. At the same time, Haya has developed cooperation with famous international retail architect company to provide turn-key service to department stores and shopping centres from concept, planning to final handover. Mixed-used commercial interior projects such as exhibition halls is a new arena which Haya has kept developing in recent years. Haya has successfully accomplished NBC broadcasting studio for 2008 Olympic, Johnson & Johnson theme hall, Olympic authorized souvenir shop etc, which proved Haya’ comprehensive professional capability in this field. Keeping improving and committed in internationalization is Haya’s development philosophy.Haya retail is devoted into bringing a completely new value to client’s retail space and will never stop efforts on this mission.