本公司是德国海瑞克公司与广重企业集团组建的合资公司, 成立于2003年。公司坐落于南沙区,并于2005年11月份正式投产运营。德国海瑞克公司是世界上最先进的隧道挖掘机制造公司之一,在全球范围开发、制造以及销售隧道机械设备。公司业务随着中国城市化以及市政建设的发展尤其是地铁工程项目而蒸蒸日上。因此,我们诚意邀请符合条件者加入我们的行列。我公司将提供社会福利及员工商业保险。工作地点在南沙区,每天有班车往返广州市区内。有意者请通过E-mail或邮寄的方式投递上你的中英文简历及有关证明材料。请在显要位置注明应聘职位及薪金要求。Our company is a joint venture of German Herrenknecht AG with Chinese Guangzhou Guangzhong Enterprise Group Corp., set up in 2003. Our Joint Venture locates at the Huangge Industry Park Nansha District of Guangzhou. Herrenknecht AG with its head office in Germany is the leading company in the global market for the mechanical tunnel systems, Herrenknecht develops, manufactures and sells the entire range of mechanical tunnelling machines. HTM's business has increased rapidly due to the continuous growth of the country's urbanization and infrastructure, especially the Metro construction projects and however invites qualified candidates to apply for the following positions.We provide social welfare and commercial insurance for our staff. Interested parties please send us your resume (in both English and Chinese), including qualifications, salary expectations and desired position. E-mail address: or