悠境思国际建筑景观设计(亚洲)有限公司是一家总部注册在北京,专门提供综合性设计服务的国际设计公司,公司拥有一支专业的设计队伍。近十年来,公司积极参与到中国市场,目前已在济南、成都、江苏淮安等地设立了分支机构。公司自成立以来,一直秉承集团的国际化经营及设计创新理念,充分吸纳来自美国、中国、台湾等地的专业技术力量,凭借良好的服务意识、成熟的设计经验和手法,在城市规划设计、商业建筑、住宅设计、环境景观设计等设计领域取得了令人振奋的业绩,在业界亦具有较高的影响力和广泛的知名度。 YCS Guangyou think international architectural landscape design environment (Asia) Limited is a registered headquarters in Beijing, specializes in providing comprehensive design services, international design company, the company has a professional design team. Over the past decade, the company actively participate in the Chinese market, currently in Jinan, Chengdu and other places set up branches. Since its inception, has been adhering to the Group's international business and design innovative concept, fully absorbed from the United States, China, Taiwan, professional and technical strength, with a good sense of service, sophisticated design experience and practices in urban planning and design , commercial buildings, residential design, environmental design, landscape design made exciting achievements in the industry also has high impact and broad popularity.