我们的兴趣在于建造出比业主预期更加伟大的建筑。基于这一出发点我们专心致力于打造具有纪念意义和体态适合的建筑,通过建筑形式解决一系列的问题——以优雅和精致的风格,在满足空间组织和周边功能,预算,进度和技术问题的前提下,尊重当地文化,总体规划,自然环境和社会经济环境。Our interest lies in creating a vision for great buildings which exceed our clients expectations. In the view of this, we concentrate our work in creating memorable and adaptable architecture and solve the series problems under architecture method which follows elegant and delicate design style. With the satisfaction of spatial organization, ambient functions, budget, schedule, and technical questions, our design respect the local culture, master plan, natural environment, and social economy environment. 虽然我们是一家传统复合型的公司——我们相信建筑的细节与有冲击力的视觉同等重要——与我们在组织上和服务上一致,在建筑设计上创新、打破技术壁垒。虽然我们事务所在中国,印度和美国境内,我们是 24/7 全时服务在最短时间内为任何地点服务——服务于任何有挑战性和调高环境质量有贡献的项目。We, as a traditional collaborative firm, believe architecture development and visual impact are equally important. We dig for innovation in architecture design that breaks technical barrier to achieve the agreement for organization and service. We have offices in China, India, and United States and promise 24/7 service all over the world with shortest response time. KaziaLi will serve at any project that has challenge and contributes in upgrading environment quality.我们曾与有各种类型的业主合作:开发商,学术和医学研究所,公共机构,非赢利性组织和公司。我们与建筑和工程领域合作,协助他们建造有设计感的项目并协助他们在早期的设计阶段引导制定设计基调。We collaborate with the entire range of client types: developers, academic and healthcare institutions, public agencies , non-profits and corporations. The firm works with architectural and engineering concerns, assisting them in establishing a powerful design vision for their projects while helping to lead and set the tone during the early design phases.在公司负责人指导下成功完成的项目遍及美国和全世界。我们将全球金融危机视为建筑师的唯一机遇——寻找合伙人与我们的业主一起面对挑战和未来的成功——在城市规划,建筑设计,创新,技术交流和环境管理等领域——维护文化多样性和我们所在地现有的生活质量。Successful projects completed under the direction of the firm’s principals are located throughout the United States and around the world. We view the emergence of the global economy as a unique opportunity for architects – and seek to partner with our clients to meet the challenges and possibilities of the future – in city and urban planning, building design innovation, communication technology and environmental stewardship – while yet preserving cultural diversity and the quality of life wherever we practice.